Creative Endeavors
Writing • Academic
We all start out with a beautiful voice as unique as our fingerprints. Sometimes society pressures us to say things differently or shames us for speaking up about what we see. We try to adapt by changing our voices; sometimes we turn their sound way down and don't say what we really think. Eventually, this self-censoring can lead to sadness since our voices are part of our soul's blueprint.
Connie's voice comes from the place of living fully and daring to be heard. She knows what it's like to feel nobody is listening and champions people to speak from their own experience. Somebody can hear what you have to say and find it life-changing.
a study in progress
Connie is an Anaïs Nin scholar with essays and creative work published in A Cafe in Space: The Anaïs Nin Literary Journal. She is at work on a study involving the importance of companion animals in the lives of Bay area residents who live in non-traditional housing.
We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospection.
Anaïs Nin